Stories from the edge. 

Life and limb with a dash of infosec and litigation support. 

8 Reasons Why E-Discovery Projects Fail

Posted by Sid Newby

Jan 28, 2014 9:18:29 AM

We love an article posted at LTN entitled "Vendor Voice: 8 Reasons Why E-Discovery Projects Fail". At Platinum, we try to always begin with the end in mind. Many clients initiated in the world of paper and 'copy label copy x2' are sometimes burdened with this up front project planning and scheduling / organizational event which is so critical to a successful project execution.

Now at this point, we've probably all been part of an ESI nightmare. Even with proper strategic planning and reasonable timelines built, the pandora's box of ESI can still surprise even the most advanced project managers and e-Discovery experts. Its not mitigation of the surprise that counts. That cannot be controlled. It's how we react to adverse situations that makes us what we are. This is where Platinum shines.

Ability to move quickly and with accuracy through this kind of scenario comes through experience. Not just personal experience, but experience with a team of seasoned professionals. There is no magic bullet, there is no manual. There is only experience and integrity.

Here's a blurb from the article:

It is impossible to deny the competitive advantages of an effectively conducted electronic data discovery project management program. Unfortunately, mistakes and failures in the delivery process cause many to go astray. Certain scenarios have a way of repeating themselves; there are a number of risk points in the EDD process. If you have ever been involved with a project in this area, you most likely have experienced at least one of these problems as well. Here are the top eight issues, and suggested ways to overcome these challenges.

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We love that Legal Project Management is taking off the way that it is. Clients across the board will see a better product as a result. We're leading the charge with Fractional Litigation Support. What has your organization done to address real project management layers within complex legal projects?

Topics: Platinum Culture, Litigation Support Technology