Stories from the edge. 

Life and limb with a dash of infosec and litigation support. 

NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year, audit finds. :)

Posted by Sid Newby

Sep 13, 2013 3:28:59 PM

Fantastic article with demonstratives over at the washington post detailing how the NSA apparently broke privacy rules thousands of times per year. It's really cool that all this stuff is coming out in a way that the general public can understand.

My take on this? Well I guess I always expected this was going on right? Am I the only one? Maybe this is why the general public aren't rioting in the streets, er, um, i mean writing their congressman. :) I guess it's better than street thugs or Libyan terrorists, or is it?

Check out the article below. It's amazing to me that this is so public and still flying so low under the radar.

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