Stories from the edge. 

Life and limb with a dash of infosec and litigation support. 

Gamification for Lawyers: Driving Adoption, Contribution, and Change

Posted by Sid Newby

Jul 23, 2014 10:51:31 AM

I have been meaning to say something about the upcoming ILTA annual educational conference.

Milena Higgins's guest post today lets me comment on the conference and gamification at the same time. Milena starts out her post warning that it's a pitch. I'll jump to the end and say that "Gaming the Lawyers: Driving Adoption, Contribution, and Change" is a great session title and I hope it lives up to its name.



Who doesn't need more adoption and contribution? How many of you are struggling to be change agents at your firm? I suspect this year will be no different from previous years where there are too many great sessions happening simultaneously. I'll be there (with some cool stuff for pinions) speaking, networking and learning. If you're attending, we hope to meet you there!

Here is a little fun music (from the creative mind of The Guild's Felicia Day) to listen to while you read more about gamification at At The IntersectionGamifying Lawyers - Guest Post



Topics: Platinum Culture, Litigation Support Technology