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CAAT (Content Analysts' Magic Review Technology) - Demystified.

Posted by Sid Newby

Jun 17, 2014 8:30:00 AM

Use it or not, advanced review analytics and Technology Assisted Review (TAR) is here to stay.

Litigation support brothers and sisters, embrace this or miss out on some real advantages for your discovery team. 

Platinum IDS and Xera Analytics with CAAT

One of the first questions we get from our clients about Content Analyst's TAR is 'is it really defensible?'. Another common question is 'how does it work?'. Well to those of you who still have unanswered questions out there, we'd like to offer a fantastic whitepaper from our friends at iConect Development. LSI and CAAT's inner workings are a beautiful mathematical wonder to behold, and theyre explained in somewhat simplified manner in this whitepaper. Here's a brief blurb of what you can expect. 


XERA powered by CAAT provides advanced data analytics technology for searching, analyzing, and reviewing Electronically Stored Information (ESI) for early case assessment and throughout the discovery phase of civil lawsuits (eDiscovery).


CAAT functionality is based on the use of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), an indexing and retrieval method that uses a mathematical transform technique called a rank- reduced Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to identify patterns in the relationships between the terms and concepts contained in an unstructured collection of text. A rank-reduced SVD was first applied to text at Bell Labs in the late 1980s. This technique was named LSI because of its ability to find the semantic meaning that is latent in a collection of text. Today, LSI is being used in a variety of information retrieval and text processing applications, although its primary application has been for concept searching and automated document clustering and categorization. 


Its free, from your friends at iConect and Platinum Intelligent Data Solutions (Platinum IDS)

Download the CAAT-Defensibility-White-Paper here.


Topics: Litigation Support Technology