Stories from the edge. 

Life and limb with a dash of infosec and litigation support. 

Agents of Change: Turn the Tables!

Posted by Mark Clasby, J.D.

Oct 17, 2014 11:13:43 AM

BlackSheep! Be The Catalyst of Change!

Does it seem like you spend more and more time reviewing irrelevant document after document, looking for that one important piece of evidence that will crack the case and get a superior to recognize your efforts?  Recognition that will reassure you that the student loan debt you're still paying off was worth it?  

Do you wish there was a better way?

Sometimes we walk through these challenges to help us find that better way.  Sometimes, even when we realize what it is and we have an idea for how to bring about that change, we still can't.  It's not that easy, it never is.  

Our minds take over, and we hear:

"Someone else will fix it"
"They have always done it this way"
"I just started here"
"What if they disagree?"

What if you were the one that could make the difference?  The firm hired you because they believed in you  afterall, and why not! You're smart, innovative and apparently driven to be successful.  What if you broke the mold? What if an agent of change could completely revolutionize the way your entire firm manages discovery and production. 

What if you could be that agent of change? 

With the change, what if you found increased efficiency of the firm under your new solution?  Increased profit margins, you could support more cases, foster happier clients, operate with less stress and have more time to do what you want.  

Maybe It's time for you to turn the tables, if you have an idea that empowers you to work more efficiently, then you owe it to yourself, your coworkers, your clients, and your friends and family to bring it up with people who can help put it in action.  It benefits everyone involved and who doesn't like benefits? :) 

Need help staging your next organizational revolution? It just so happens we've got a whole initiative dedicated to it's success. Viva la #LitSupport, and long live the boutiques! Together, we're proving that you dont need BigLaw to win Big Cases. 

Topics: Adventures in Lawyerdom