Stories from the edge. 

Life and limb with a dash of infosec and litigation support. 

It's my way, or the highway

Posted by Mark Clasby, J.D.

Nov 14, 2014 1:58:00 PM



Have you kicked, screamed and fought against all things technology? Do you prefer paper to plastic?  Or paper to digital?  Change isn’t for everyone.  


Why change a good thing?  

If it ain’t broke, don't fix it?  


We've heard these for years, odds are good we've probably said them at one time or another.


But, is it true change if you achieve the same result you want but get it faster?  Is modifying something to improve the accuracy, efficiency, or results change?  Forcing people to change, or even asking people to change, rarely works out.  People change when they feel like it and rarely a moment sooner.  What if "my way" became "my even better way?"


What is it that convinces someone to say, "there is a better way to do what I am doing, and I think I need to try it?"  Is it the fear of losing something?  Is it the ability to help more people?  Does religion play a role? Is it the ability to spend more time doing the things a person loves?  Or is it the almighty dollar?  Does it matter what the motivating factor is?


We live in a digital world right now and we have for some time.  Shocking, we know.   You owe it to yourself to look at how you are doing things and see if there is a better way.  We here at Platinum would love to spend more time doing the things we love with the people we love, wouldn’t you?

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