Stories from the edge. 

Life and limb with a dash of infosec and litigation support. 

Have you met Brooks Rogers?

Posted by Mark Clasby, J.D.

Nov 21, 2014 11:48:43 AM



Brooks Rogers is a husband, he's a father, a skilled musician, he's an attorney, and a friend.  Brooks has been a paralegal, he's worked for a big law firm and a little one.  He works here at Platinum.  He's not flashy, he's incredibly humble, he's really OCD, and he loves a good cup of coffee with no cream or sugar added, Stupid Good Coffee, if you will.


Lots of people are like that?  Maybe, but Brooks makes the lives of those he intereacts with easier every day.  He loves bringing harmony to chaos.  He enjoys putting ducks in a row, he enjoys order with two scoops of logic.  When you speak with him you, you see warmth in his eyes, you see that his mind is assessing everything you say.  You hear his answers, they are genuine, and more than likely, they address all of your concerns.  


He's the perfect compliment to a performer. He doesn't want the lime light, he just wants to help you get the results you desire.  He'll do the heavy lifting and put a plan together so it's not so heavy down the road.  He's the perfect partner for an outside the box thinker.  He puts others first because that's what makes him happy.  Well that and harmony.


Are your exhibits out of order?  He can help with that.  Need another set of eyes on a document?  He's got four of them waiting to be utilized.  Want help prepping a witness file, he does that.  Do you need a deposition summary that reflects a real-time understanding of case strategy?  He does that too.


Brooks specializes in FracLit, which creates more time for you.  Time you can then spend on the legal tasks or pleasures you'd rather be doing.  He works here at Platinum, and you really should get to know him.


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