Stories from the edge. 

Life and limb with a dash of infosec and litigation support. Finally, answers to our litigation support questions

Posted by Mark Clasby, J.D.

Oct 24, 2014 11:30:00 AM


Have you ever tried to find an answer for your litigation support questions? Were you able to find the answers all in one place?  I bet more than once you might have had better luck asking the magic 8-ball.


If you're like me at all, you go to Google or you go to YouTube. Maybe you call or email the provider, or you try and sort through the help section of their website. After all is said and done, you've spent hours of your life piecing something from this site and something from that site, and a little bit from the 13 year old with the YouTube instructional video, and nothing from the automated email response from the actual provider because it never addresses your issue.


Answers that seem like they should be found on the same page or at least the same website, just aren't. Because of this, answers that should have taken a minute or two to locate, take far too long.


Finally there is hope. I stumbled across a site this morning when I was attempting to create a production in Xera. claims to be the site we've been hoping for. It just launched, but they appear to be compiling answers to every day litigation support questions, available all in one place. Not only do I hope they succeed, it blew my mind that I didn’t have to pay and it was so easy to search.


In addition there's a forum people like us can ask questions on, and any one can chime in. I cannot tell you the hours this site could save me. Hopefully it’s everything we've been longing for! Here’s to wishing they are able to pull it off!


For your sanity and mine,

Topics: Litigation Support Technology